95% of Kids Return To Orem Pediatric Cavity-Free – Here’s Why

95% of Kids Return To Orem Pediatric Cavity-Free - Here's Why

We can sum up why in just a few words: fun, pain-free, and prevention.

Our entire focus at Orem Pediatric is to focus on providing a POSITIVE experience for kids. The practice, the staff, the environment – it’s all aimed at making visits comfortable and fun.

Not everyone is anxious at the dentist. But, for those that are, for those that get a low pitched growl of anxiety that bites you whenever you think of a needle, or who get the feeling that you are falling just thinking about it. There’s Orem. We’ve created a much more relaxed environment.

That is the very reason that we have designed and built a dental practice that seeks to reverse this stigma when it comes to dental visits. The experience is so important because a negative one can stay with a child forever. I’m sure you’ve heard the nightmare stories.

But, Orem is different. It’s more than a dental office. It’s specifically designed to provide a great, fun and positive experience for kids. We’ve removed all of the “normal” procedures and gone straight to making it an easy, pain-free and preventative approach to care. Here’s how:

Prevention Is Our Top Priority

“A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” – Albert Einstein

A proactive approach to the care of teeth has been preached from the rooftops for over 100 years.

It’s not hard to see why. Healthy teeth don’t decay, they don’t get infected, and they don’t require surgery or removal. Avoiding the problem altogether is easily the best solution. But that doesn’t mean that nothing is done! It means that regular maintenance and care is prioritized in order to avoid cavities, decay and infection.

We focus on what is called “preventative dental care” which just means that we show kids how to properly care for their teeth – not just how to brush and floss correctly, but why they need to and why.

Regular Cleanings and Check-Ups

A regularly scheduled check up and professional cleaning is recommended every 6 months. Why? To ensure that the teeth are cleaned thoroughly, to remove build up and plaque, and to examine for any future issues that may come up. A regular checkup is great because it maintained, it is the best way to prevent ANY future issues from occurring.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride plays a crucial role in preventing cavities by strengthening tooth enamel. We offer fluoride treatments that provide an extra layer of protection against decay. This simple, effective measure helps to keep your child’s teeth strong and resilient.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are another preventive resource in our tool belt. These protective coatings are applied to the chewing surfaces of molars, where cavities are most likely to form. By sealing these vulnerable areas, we help prevent decay and keep your child’s teeth healthy.

Educating for Lifelong Health

Understanding WHY they have to brush their teeth, why they floss, why they care for their teeth and why they come to the dentist are all important. But it’s often overlooked. We use to learn how to brush our teeth in school. There were even field trips to the dentist to show kids how to care for their teeth. While that may still be done in some places, it’s gone the way of the dinosaur for most communities.

So, to really make sure kids understand why they maintain their teeth and gums, we demonstrate and educate. It seems simple, sometimes we can overlook the obvious – the reason why.

Developing good habits is a primary focus.

Guiding Parents

Parents play a crucial role in their child’s dental health. We provide clear, practical advice on how to support your child’s oral care routine at home. From brushing techniques to dietary tips, we help parents make informed decisions that promote healthy smiles for their kids.

Making Visits Positive and Stress-Free

A big part of our success in preventing cavities is ensuring that every visit to the dentist is a positive experience. We know that a comfortable, friendly environment can make all the difference for kids and their families.

A Welcoming Environment

Our office is designed with children in mind. Bright colors, playful decor, and child-sized furniture create an inviting atmosphere that helps kids feel at ease. We want every visit to be something they look forward to.

Gentle Care

Our team is dedicated to providing gentle, compassionate care. We understand that some children may feel anxious about visiting the dentist, so we use calming techniques and a reassuring approach to help them relax. Our goal is to make each visit as stress-free as possible.

Customized Behavior Management

We recognize that every child is different, and we tailor our approach to fit their individual needs. Whether it’s using specific techniques to ease anxiety or providing extra encouragement, we adapt our methods to ensure a smooth visit for every child.

Working Together with Parents

Collaboration between our team and parents is key to maintaining excellent oral health. We value clear communication and provide support to help parents keep their children’s teeth healthy.

Open Communication

We keep parents informed about their child’s dental health and any recommended treatments. By providing detailed explanations and answering questions, we ensure that parents feel confident in making decisions about their child’s care.

Helpful Resources

In addition to in-office guidance, we offer resources and tips for parents to use at home. These materials help reinforce the importance of good oral hygiene and provide practical advice for maintaining a healthy smile.

Our Ongoing Commitment

95% of kids leaving return to our office cavity-free. It’s not by accident. We have spent years developing and implementing office procedures to ensure all kids and parents are comfortable, informed, and have all the tools they need to care for their teeth and gums for life.

Through prevention, education, and creating a positive experience, we help children build a foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. If you’re looking for a pediatric dental practice that prioritizes your child’s well-being and makes dental visits enjoyable, look no further. At Orem Pediatric Dentistry, we’re here to support your child’s oral health every step of the way.

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